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Hi, my name is Aanjaneya, and I am a PhD student at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune. My primary interest is in obtaining insight into practically relevant problems, which could arise in fields including (but not restricted to) physics, biology, and the social sciences, by first formulating them as mathematical models and then analyzing them using tools from Statistical Physics, Graph Theory and Game Theory. I also like dogs.

PhD in Quantitative Methods, Research Assistant at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy

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Ana Teixeira de Melo is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. She was awarded a PhD in Clinical Psychology, by the University of Coimbra, and the title of Specialist in Clinical Psychology, with Advanced Specialty in Community Psychology, by the Portuguese Order of Psychologists. Her main research focus is on processes of human flourishing and well-being, positive change and development and resilience, in Families and Communities. Her research especially targets contexts of multiple risks and challenges, including those emerging from cumulative social disadvantages as well as contexts of child protection and promotion. She adopts a Systems and Complexity-Informed approach to the study of Family Processes. She has made key contributions to theory and methodological developments and conducts action-based and applied research studies, in a close relationship with 'real-world' contexts. Her research studies target the development, implementation and evaluation of models, resources and tools for family assessment and intervention. She is interested in the field of Complexity studies from a theoretical, methodological and applied point of view, in particular in relation to the investigation of processes of change in complex systems. She conducts research focused on the development and evaluation of theoretical models, resources and strategies for the practice of 'Complex Thinking' applied to the understanding and management of change in the 'real-world', namely social human systems, in the coupling with their environments. Additionally, her work encompasses themes related to Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Methods and Inter/Transdisciplinary processes, namely in relation to abductive modes of knowing, and other themes of the Philosophy of Sciences (e.g. Epistemologies). She is an Associate, since 2016, of York Cross-Disciplinary Centre for Systems Analysis, where she was a visiting academic (2016-2018). Other websites:

PhD student at UC Davis, looking for postdoctoral positions

Andrea Rapisarda is professor of theoretical physics at the University of Catania, Italy. He is also coordinator of a PhD course in “Complex systems for Physical, Socio-economic and Life Sciences”. He is an external faculty member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna , co-director of the International School on Complexity of the Ettore Majorana Foundation in Erice with A. Zichichi, G. Benedek, M. Gell-mann, C. Tsallis and member of the Council of the Complex Systems Society. His main interests of research are Complex Systems, Statistical mechanics, Deterministic chaos, Nonlinear dynamics, Complex networks and Multi-agent models applied to socio-economic systems.

geographer, interested in spatial complexity, networks, and in taking a complexity perspective on flood risk management

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Complex Systems Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2020 I received a Physics PhD from the University of Michigan, where I studied design problems of naval ships with statistical mechanics methods, as well as the emergence of local order in purely entropic systems. I am interested in design of heterogeneous complex systems via collective metrics. My current projects include analyzing the learning of graphs by human subjects, programming heterogeneous self-assembling systems, and dynamics of gender and race diversity in academic communities.
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I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Public Health, Indiana University Bloomington, a Fellow at IU Network Science Institute (IUNI), Indiana, United States; and a Collaborator at INESC-ID. I am also a member of the Complex Systems Society Council; the Chair of the advisory board of yrCSS; and one of the organizers of the Conference on Complex Systems 2020.
My research interests are:
Graph Theory / Algorithms on Graphs
Network Science / Complex Systems
Computational Cognitive / Social Sciences
Computational Epidemiology / Biology
Network Neuroscience
Human Behavior / Evolutionary Game Theory
My research work is focused on the development of measures, computational models and simulation frameworks to understand collective dynamics, more specifically in what concerns the evolution and behavior of complex systems.

I have received my undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Calcutta and completed my masters in Physics from National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur in India. I am a PhD Student at Shiv Nadar University in Delhi-NCR, India and also a DST-INSPIRE Fellow. I am working with Dr.Santosh Kumar on Random Matrix theory. The major areas of application of RMT techniques include that in quantum information, quantum chaos and other complex systems. You can follow my published works here,
I enjoy teaching and in the future would like to extend my expertise of RMT to the fields of complex networks, nuclear physics, quantum tomography, quantum computation, other varied and novel fields.

Bálint Hartmann, Dr. was born in 1984. He received an M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and obtained his Ph.D. degree from Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2008 and 2013, respectively. He is associate professor at the Department of Electric Power Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He is also a part-time research fellow with the Centre for Energy Research. His fields of interest include the role of energy storage in the power system, computer modelling and simulation of distribution networks and integration of variable renewable energy sources.

PhD Student @ CoMuNe Lab - Italy

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Maths PhD student working on the Complexity Economic's group of INET, Oxford under supervision of Doyne Farmer.
I really like Physics, maths, networks, networks, dynamical systems, social & opinion dynamics, chaos, and complexity.

I am working on theoretical modelling and data analysis of complex systems that can be represented by networks focusing on hidden geometrical properties as hyperbolicity and simplicial complexes, which embody the higher-order interactions and generalized dynamics. The study includes complex systems across different scales from human connectome and multi-brain graphs to social networks emerging from various online communications, modelling the growth of higher-order networks by aggregation of cliques and simulating dynamical processes on them. Currently, using agent-based modeling approach, we are investigating the role of latent infections in the ongoing epidemics resulting from bio-social stochastic processes.

Please to meet you! I'm a PhD student in Ireland, interested in epidemic spread on networks, pattern formations, synchronisation, and self-organising mechanics on networks. I'd like to meet new people and launch new collaborations!

Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK

Interested in applying physics and mathematical methods to biology and social sciences. Post-Doc at BIFI, University of Zaragoza.
Complex Systems, Complex Networks, Cooperation, Decision-making experiments, Evolution, Social Dynamics...

Celia Anteneodo is Professor of Physics at PUC-Rio since 2004. She has experience in statistical and nonlinear physics. Her current research lines include stochastic dynamics, nonlinear dynamics, and emergent collective properties of complex systems.
She received BSc degree in Physics from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (1986), and PhD in Physics from the Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF, 1993), where she worked in experimental biophysics, having done part of her thesis at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Later she conducted postdoctoral research in nonlinear and statistical physics at CBPF and at the Biophysics Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ-IBCCF), where she was visiting professor from 1997 to 2001. She has also been patent examiner at the Brazilian bureau INPI (2007).

After a PhD at the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics in Padova, Chiara joined the Computational Epidemiology Laboratory at ISI Foundation in 2009. She then moved to the EPIcx Lab at the Institut Pierre Louis d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique first as a visiting researcher and then as a Post Doc. She became permanent researcher in October 2015.
Research activities: Since 2009 Chiara works in the field of network epidemiology, with special attention to outbreak analysis, emerging diseases (MERS, Ebola, Chikungunya, Zika) and multi-pathogen/multi-strain interaction (influenza).
Honours and awards: Program Emergence(s) de la Ville de Paris 2019, junior scientific award of the complex system society in 2015, invitation in the contest of the Young Scientist Program to co-chair the session of Mathematical Modelling at the 5th ESWI (European Scientific Working group on Influenza) Conference 2014.
Academic services: Academic editor of PLOS ONE, editor of PLOS Complex Complexity Channel, elected member of the council of the Complex Systems Society (2015-present), elected member of the steering committee of the Conference on Complex Systems (2015-present)