European funding possibilities
A presentation will be made by the Greek NCP for the opportunities of funding in scientific areas that will be of interest in the Complexity Community in the upcoming Horizon-Europe. The session will include Q&A.
A presentation will be made by the Greek NCP for the opportunities of funding in scientific areas that will be of interest in the Complexity Community in the upcoming Horizon-Europe. The session will include Q&A.
I will give a summary of scientific activities we designed and are still engaged in to unterstand the dynamics of the ongoing covid-19-pandemic.
Many empirical complex systems, from biochemical to social ones, exhibit a network structure with heterogeneous connectivity patterns, their topology being characterized by mesoscale and/or hierarchical organization. However, such systems are identified not only by their structure but also from the dynamical processes on its top: the interplay between topology and dynamics often leads to a rich spectrum of phenomena, from localization to phase transitions and collective behavior.
A round table discussion will take place in the last day of the CCS meeting. After initial positions by the panelists the session will be open to questions and comments by the audience.
Panelists include:
Professor Guido Caldarelli, President of CSS
Professor Dirk Brockmann, Humboldt U, Berlin
Dr. Manuel García-Herranz, UNICEF
Dr. Lorenzo Righetto, Nature
Dr. Nico Gariboldy, Pfizer
Dr. Daniela Paolotti, ISI, Torino
Dr. Andrea Capocci, journalist
Dr. Barbara Carfagna, journalist
Following the tradition in recent years there will be a special session for awarding several prizes to scientists in our community who deserve special recognition for their achievements in their career in the field of Complex Systems. These include two (2) junior awards to scientists at an early stage in their career, and one (1) senior award to an established scientist, for excellent contributions that they have achieved in recent years. The senior scientist will give a 40-min lecture.
I discuss the interaction between social networks and economic institutions: how information flows through a network to help people learn about the availability of a formal market in the form of microfinance [1,2], as well as how the availability of that microfinance changes the structure of social networks [3,4]. The presence of the network is instrumental to gaining participation in the market, and the presence of that market erodes social networks – not just borrowing and lending networks but advice sharing and other networks.
Using powerful algorithms, we propose a new theory of collective intelligence by studying the dynamics of living and non-living populations and their collective phenomena. In particular, I will discuss two perspectives.
Living systems often attempt to calculate and predict the future state of the environment. Given the stochastic nature of many biological systems how is that possible? Since the functioning of the repertoire relies on statistical properties, statistical analysis is needed to identify responding clones. Using such methods I will describe the repertoire level response to the SARS-CoV-2. I will also show that even a system as complicated as the immune system has reproducible outcomes.
There exists a rich history of research on the mathematical modeling of animal populations.
Science is a social endeavor that progresses through the concerted effort of many individuals. With the surge in the complexity of the most pressing open problems in science and society, the role of collaboration networks among researchers is becoming more and more relevant.