There exists a rich history of research on the mathematical modeling of animal populations. The classical literature, however, is inadequate to explain observed spatial patterning, or foraging and anti-predator behavior, because animals actively aggregate. This lecture will begin from models of animal aggregation, the role of leadership in collective motion and the evolution of collective behavior, and move from there to implications for decision-making in human societies. Ecological and economic systems are alike in that individual agents compete for limited resources, evolve their behaviors in response to interactions with others, and form exploitative as well as cooperative interactions as a result. In these complex-adaptive systems, macroscopic properties like the flow patterns of resources like nutrients and capital emerge from large numbers of microscopic interactions, and feedback to affect individual behaviors. I will explore common features of these systems, especially as they involve the evolution of cooperation in dealing with public goods, common pool resources and collective movement across systems. Examples and lessons will range from bacteria and slime molds to groups to insurance arrangements in human societies and international agreements on environmental issues.
The author would like to acknowledge support from NSF grants DMS 1951358 and CCF1917819; ARO grant W911NF-18-1-0325; as well as the James S. McDonnell Foundation 21st Century Science Initiative Collaborative Award in Understanding Dynamic and Multiscale Systems; Inc. and Microsoft Corporation; and a gift from Google, LLC for work on Computational Techniques to Design and Analyze Effective Digital Contact Tracing Methods in the Wake of the COVID-19 Outbreak.