This year we celebrated the 80th birthday of one of the founders of Chaos Theory, Otto Rossler.
A special issue of "Chaos Journal" was published to honour him and his pioneering work. The presentation is based on our contribution to this issue ("Labyrinth chaos: Revisiting the elegant, chaotic, and hyperchaotic walks", Chaos 30, 113129 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0022253 by Vasileios Basios, Chris G. Antonopoulos, and Anouchah Latifi).
Here is its summary: "In the course of their pioneering work on the properties of feedback circuits and their relation to chaos and hyperchaos, Otto Rossler and Rene Thomas proposed a minimal model of a dynamical system they termed Labyrinth Chaos. It turned out that even though it is simple, it is full of surprising properties that no-one could have thought of. Simple and elegant as it is, it still holds great promise for elucidating aspects of chaotic dynamics that are not evident in other systems. Our paper revisits their work and highlights the incredible riches of this system in its disconcerting simplicity and importance in the context of dynamical systems and in other fields."
Our preprint is available at arXiv [nlin.CD]: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.11009