Giorgio SONNINO is a Senior Scientific Researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Department of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics. He is also Scientific Adviser on “Sinergy between Scientific Research and Higher Education” at the European Union - Directorate General for “Education, Youth, Sport and Culture”. He is co-authored of more than 90 scientific papers published in international scientific peer reviewed journals. He is referee of several International peer reviewed International Scientific Journals (e.g. Phys. Rev., The Royal Society, Physics Letters, Physics of Fluids, Nuclear Fusion, MPDI etc.) and Editor of several International peer reviewed International Scientific Journals (e.g. MPDI, JMP, Science Publishing Group etc.). He was appointed Professor at the Università degli Studi di Genova – Italy and at the University of Tor Vergata, Rome – Italy in the framework of the European GOTiT programme. He was awarded with several scientific prizes.