Lars T. Kyllingstad

Portrait of Lars T. Kyllingstad

I'm a Senior Research Scientist at SINTEF Ocean, a maritime and biomarine technology research institute based in Trondheim, Norway. My research encompasses modelling, simulation, and analysis of multiphysical systems, and the applications of such methods to fisheries, ship design, marine operations, and more.

I'm rather new to the field of complex systems science as such, but I'm diligently trying to work my way into it. I believe that the methods of complex systems science can be instrumental in solving several of the research challenges we face in my field.

My background is in theoretical physics. I attained a PhD at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2011 on the topic of strongly interacting matter in extreme conditions (specifically, effective models for QCD at high temperature and density). Though theoretical physics is no longer my day job, I retain a deep interest and passion for it.





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