Critical synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on a large human connectome

The hypothesis, that cortical dynamics operates near criticality also suggests, that it exhibits universal critical exponents which marks the Kuramoto equation, a fundamental model for synchronization, as a prime candidate for an underlying universal model. Here, we determined the synchronization behavior of this model by solving it numerically on a large, weighted human connectome network, containing
804092 nodes, in an assumed homeostatic state. Since this graph has a topological dimension d < 4, a real synchronization phase transition is not possible in the thermodynamic limit, still we could locate a transition between partially synchronized and desynchronized states. At this crossover point we observe power-law–tailed synchronization durations, with τt ≃ 1.2(1), away from experimental values for the brain. For comparison, on a large two-dimensional lattice, having additional random, long-range links, we obtain a mean-field value: τt ≃ 1.6(1). However, below the transition of the connectome we found global coupling control-parameter dependent exponents 1 < τt ≤ 2, overlapping with the range of human brain experiments. We also studied the effects of random flipping of a small portion of link weights, mimicking a network with inhibitory interactions, and the effect of annealed noise. We found similar results as before, the control-parameter dependent exponent suggests extended dynamical criticality below the transition point.
Scientific Reports 9 (2019),
to appear in J. Neurocomputig
Geza Odor, Jeffrey Kelling and Gustavo Deco
Thursday, December 10, 2020 - 17:00 to 17:15





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